Is the bible the biggest selling book of all time

His best selling book of all time is entitled life principles bible. According to guinness world records as of 1995, the bible is the bestselling book of all time, with an estimated 5 billion copies sold and distributed. This is a book that is going to hold the topmost position in the list. Quotations from chairman mao authored by mao zedong book sales. The familiar observation that the bible is the bestselling book of all time obscures a more startling fact. The numbers have been crunched and while its not the most cracking yarn the holy quran has come in as the number one book of all time. The lists i found seem to only mention english novels, and both put a tale of two cities as the highest selling book after the bible. The bible is easily one of the bestselling books of all time, but exact sales numbers are hard to nail down. Its also been translated in its entirety into over 394. Wikipedia puts the figure at over 200 million copies sold. Is the bible still the best selling book of all time answers. The bible is the alltime bestselling book but do you know what the nextbestselling book is. Bestselling books are ranked by number of copies sold, not my personal ratings.

Also, it is worth noting that some religious and political books such as the bible, quran, and quotations from chairman mao are believed to have more than a billion copies each in existence. Or it could be thought of as the bestselling collection of books of all time, as it actually has dozens of books by a great number of authors over millenia. The bible is the worlds best selling book, having sold more than five billion copies. Not only is the bible the best seller of all time it continues to be the best seller every year even when compared to the astounding sales figures of a series like harry potter. The bible is widely believed to be the bestselling book of alltime but it has in fact been pitted for first place. The bible has sold billions of copies and is the best selling book of all time. How we got the bestselling book of all time the king james bible is celebrating its 400th anniversary and deserves its longevity. The numbers have been crunched and the list for the best selling books of all time has been revealed. The alltime most popular books in the world revealed. The theoretical physicists megaselling account of the origins of the universe is a masterpiece of scientific inquiry that has. The best selling books in the world famous books on sale in. The 21 bestselling books of all time howstuffworks. The bible is often said to be the worlds best sold book but search the best seller lists and you wont find it anywhere, top to bottom.

Hebrew, greek, aramaic many copies of the holy bible have been freely given away during missionary work. The 30 biggest selling books of all time might surprise. The 30 biggest selling books of all time might surprise you the bible is widely believed to be the bestselling book of alltime but it has in fact been pitted for first place. He found that the bible far outsold any other book, with a whopping 3. What is the best selling book besides the bible answers. It is speculated that as much as 6 billion copies of the bible were sold in the past, and it is still the most preferred book for the masses. This article discusses the worlds best selling books. Additionally, it is also the most compelling account available to us of all creation. A survey by the bible society concluded that around 2. The huffington post article actually named 16 books that have sold the most copies worldwide, noting that the bible is the top seller in the world. One reason behind it being the world s best selling book of all times is that it is available in more than 2,000 languages.

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